Erin Valkner Photography

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Half | Week 26 of Project 52

I’m not gonna lie; this week has been hard.  I’m apart from my husband who’s in Montana wrapping things up, and I’m still on the lookout for a place to live here in Texas.  This, my friends, is what you call stressful.  The most difficult part is being away from my Joel.  He keeps me grounded, mindful of what’s in front of me, and tells me to just breathe.  It’s just not the same by phone… It’s like half of me is not here.  He will be soon, and I know this will all be behind us very soon when we’re all settled in to a new place, but for now, it’s been a rough day. 

Not too long ago, a day like this would send me into a tailspin of a downward spiral of moodiness and despair.  Now, I am working on accepting things as they are and moving forward rather than lingering in the whole self-pity-party zone. 

With reminders from my love and my family to stay present and know that it will all work out, I can let go… and focus on the next step.  Always be moving forward.  Never linger for too long in the “woe is me” feelings, and trust that you have everything you need to find a way.