This week's theme for my personal photo project is "Toy".  We have plenty of those around the house these days with a three year old!  His toys are just tools for his imagination, and may or not be played with as they were manufactured to be.  We do a pretty good job at going through them on a regular basis and passing them on to other kiddos as he gets new toys.  And if he gets a new toy, we have a rule that he gives one a way.  So far it works pretty well so that our house isn't overflowing!  He also spends a lot of time in his imagination and doesn't necessarily "need" a store bought toy to be entertained, which is amazing.  We build a lot of things out of cardboard boxes, sheets, play dough and good old fashioned dirt!  

It delights my entire being watching him at play.  It's the most important job kids have.  And I hope with all my heart it's something he never stops doing.  When we stop playing and showing curiosity about everything around us, we get "old".  Too many adults are "old".  

Yes, each year our bodies age, but we should all still play and entertain our curiosity about the world.  It's the secret to happiness and a long life.  Only it shouldn't be a secret at all; we should be encouraging each other to play and keep the spark of childhood alive and well.  Each and every day.  

Dinosaurs are a big part of our life!  Little Man knows more about dinosaurs than anyone I know.  His dad helped him make this amazing diorama! 

Dinosaurs are a big part of our life!  Little Man knows more about dinosaurs than anyone I know.  His dad helped him make this amazing diorama! 


Something to Remember | Week 22 of Project 52


Nicole | Medieval Inspired Photo Shoot