Erin Valkner Photography

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Black and White | Week 20 of Project 52

Black and white photography will never get old for me.  There's magic in reducing something to its monochromatic tones that actually brings such depth and complexity.  It's really all the shades of gray that give us dimension, depth and beauty.  Same with life.  If every issue in life was black and white, cut and dry, or either/or, yes, we may have less headache and frustration over differences, but we'd also miss out on the beauty of everything around us.  The fact is that each and every one of us is comprised of a thousand shades of nuance and personality.  I'll take the real world, with all of it's drama and disagreement and discord, because there is also unbelievable beauty, kindness and love.  They exist in balance, the good and the bad.  And I will do everything in my power to create beauty, love and kindness and to share it with others.  I will steer my life in that direction always.  When your eyes are open to the beauty of life around you, it is enough.  And more.