Erin Valkner Photography

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One Shot | Week 9 of Project 52

This week's theme is {One Shot}, which technically speaking is not a difficult task.  The images for this post were all the first shot taken.  I have a toddler, a very active toddler at that, so I'm no stranger to only having one shot to get a photo of whatever is going on.  My kiddo is FAST!  As most little one's his age are... 

I am in constant amazement to the seemingly ever increasing rate of his growth and development.  Childhood just seems to go by so fast.  

We get one shot to be there for our little ones.  Really be there with them on their journey.  One of the most incredible things that kiddos get right and us adults seem to be missing, is their ability to stay present.  Little Man is always in the moment.  He is fully engaged with what is going on right in front of him.  He is a constant reminder to me to be present.  And my life is certainly better.