Erin Valkner Photography

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Ground Level | Week 10 of Project 52

For this week, the theme for my photo challenge is {Ground Level}.  I love perspectives that are a bit out of the ordinary.  They grab attention and make you consider things from a different angle.

It's easy to be lulled into the false sense of security of assuming our way of thinking is correct, or the only logical way to see something.  We love to put things in nice, neat little packages and tell ourselves stories that make us out to be justified, or the winner, or the best... Leaving everyone who may have a different opinion or belief as "the others", or less than, and therefore, blamable.

We like to have someone to blame.  Someone who is not ourselves that is.  Unfortunately, the reality is that this manner of going about one's business is not only self-defeating, it also separates us from love and sends us on a downward spiral.  When we demean others we demean ourselves.  We bring everyone around us down a level.  

When we can come from a place of love and do our best to understand where another person is coming from, we will bring others up.  We do not have to agree but we do have to acknowledge that we are not all-knowing, perfect beings.  When we spread hate or animosity, even when righteously provoked, we are meeting that provocation and raising it a level.  We are the same as that which we hate.  Always choose love.