Erin Valkner Photography

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Dana | Beautiful Mama-To-Be

There's magic in motherhood.  The miracle of bringing life into this world is undeniably beautiful.  Our bodies carry the ancient wisdom of nature, and dance with the divine to create "being".   

We are unimaginably fortunate to be alive as human beings.  I recently read somewhere that the odds of even being born are 1 in 400 trillion.  And some scientists have calculated an even higher number, basically proving that you (and me and every other person) are a bona fide miracle.  

Our potential is limitless.  We have the opportunity to live a full and satisfying human experience that is overflowing with love and connection.  And to influence others to grow and expand their experience as well.  Where the is life there is hope.

When you start thinking of your life and those around you as a miracle, it becomes one.  

Acknowledge the wonder of life, be thankful for the chance to be alive and reap the rewards of a fulfilled life.  You have the capability to make this life what you want it to be.  

The woman you are about to meet is the mother of a son already and about to be mama to another next month.  She's one of the amazing stylists that I work with and is also a business owner.  She's a beautiful person and I'm so very excited for the love with which this little boy is about to grace her family! 

Missoula Maternity Photographer
