New Braunfels, Town of Traditions

Tradition | Week 49

I never in a million years dreamed I’d once again live in the town where I graduated high school.  As a teenager, I was determined live in a bigger city and for a long while I did. My husband and I called Austin home for almost a decade.  Alas, it felt started to feel too big, and we longed for a slower pace.  Thus, a cross country move to the remote beauty of Montana.  After our son was born, we wanted to be closer to family and to have more opportunities and decided to move to my hometown, New Braunfels, Texas.

 If you’ve never visited this little beauty of a town, you really must!  It was established in 1845 by Prince Solms of Germany, and it is beautiful.  Being a little German town, traditions here run deep! 

There are festivals and fun year round!  There’s Wurstfest, Wassailfest, the Comal County Fair, Farmer’s Markets, Gruene Hall, Schlitterbahn, tubing the rivers and on and on! 

It’s fun to be able to take my little one and my husband to these long-running local traditions. 

This past week, we ventured out to Wassailfest, which is an annual tradition where local businesses and groups have batches of yummy wassail for visitors to sample while enjoying festive lights and music downtown.  What is wassail?  DELICIOUS!  It’s a hot mulled cider that is sooo good!

This year, it actually snowed!  A lot!! Which NEVER happens here, it seems.  So it was really was a special treat! 


It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!


Holly, Jolly & Bright