You, At the End | Week 52 or Project 52

Oh la la!  Can you believe another year has come and gone?! And what a year too… Thankfully, the best is yet to come, and I’m very much looking forward to new beginnings and a new year!

This project started with a selfie and is gonna end with one too!  As a matter of fact, this year one of my goals was to get in front of the camera often.  To make sure that I exist in photos for my son and loved ones.  To be able to look back at my portraits years from now and remember how I felt at this time in my life. 

Another reason for more self-portraits has been part of my journey for self-acceptance and self-love.  Sitting with your vulnerability in front of a camera is not always an easy thing to do and it does not escape my attention as a photographer.  Seeing yourself through portraits is a powerful thing, and making myself get in the frame more often has allowed me to connect with and accept and be more loving toward myself.

For the first time in my life I feel like I’m absolutely positively content with being me.  It is the most empowering feeling I could have ever imagined.  I’m still learning how to step up and stand up for myself, but boy have I come a long way…

I want nothing more than for each and every one of you to connect with your own beauty and to exist in photographs too.  And when you’re ready for your own beautiful photoshoot, just let me know!

Wishing you the happiest New Year!!  


My assistant!  

My assistant!  


Cheers to New Beginnings!


With a Joyful Heart