Erin Valkner Photography

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What I'm Most Thankful For

Thankful | Week 47

Being thankful has contributed enormously to my overall happiness and well-being.  When you focus on what you have and what you are thankful for, there’s not much room left for wallowing in self-pity or victimhood.  And when you’re busy cultivating relationships and experiences that bring joy and gratitude into your life, there’s less and less energy spent on thoughts of “woe is me”.   

Working from a grateful mindset puts you in a position to more easily recognize and relish the good, and sets you on an upward spiral of creating and attracting more of what you love, giving you more and more to be thankful for. 

So what am I thankful for...?

First and foremost, my family.  My husband and son are my world.  I thank my lucky stars every day that they are in my life, and try my very best to soak up every last drop of each moment we have together.  I’m fully aware of how lucky I am and eternally grateful for the life I have with them.